Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How I think to handle conflict with others

I believe the debate for our exam 2 is not so successful. Honestly, we didn’t reach any agreement. Even though we agree to drop the lower score of one of those two exams, we spent the whole class trying to debate the structure but reach nothing.

I didn’t mean to offense people in our class. I believe everyone has his/her rights and opinions in how to structure the next exam. Our opinions are based on our scores, language background, our education level and other personalities. Therefore, we can’t have 100% agreement on this debate. The reason is simply. Like I said, everyone has different opinions. We can’t guarantee that there is a 100% agreement that the results would benefit all of our classmates.

Let me borrow an example which concerns most of the American people. When the Republican and Democratic parties vote for our new health care plan, there are more than 200 (sorry forget the exact figure) Republican representatives who vote against the plan proposed by President Obama. Even though there are almost 50% who did not agree on this plan, we finally still pass this act and bring this benefit to the American people. Why do we do this? This is because the result is a balance solution. The majority agrees and the rest have to obey.

The reason of we can’t have 100% agreement is that there are always problems that we can’t solve them perfectly. It requires a few people to sacrifice their interest in order to let something happens. This is because one thing is not always good for all people. The health plan benefits most of the American people but would raise the taxes for the middle class. From their perspectives, it’s not a good plan since they have to pay for the other’s benefits. Similarly, the proposal, such as no essay part, is benefit for non-native people. But it would definitely be unfair to other native speakers or good writers. To reach 100% agreement means there is no solution for this problem. The only way we can handle this is to reach to a balance, a solution that benefits most people or an agreement that most people (like 99%) would agree. This is what I thought a debate would be.

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