Monday, March 15, 2010

How to design an unbreakable egg?!

Well it's unfortunate that our group failed to accomplish this mission. The goal is simple: to let the egg falls down without breaking it. The material we use is limited. We have straws and sticky tape for like 2 feet long. To be honestly, this is a difficult task because an egg is very likely to break through from that height. The critical part of this experiment is we have to absorb the pressure when the egg hits the ground. After we discuss all the possible solutions, we agree that we have to make some cross to support the egg. We tried to put the straws around it and stick them. However, the tape is not sticky. It came out not as we expected. Then we modified the experiment. However, we only have limited time and before that we spent too much on discussion. Even though we didn't accomplish the mission, we have an acknowledge that planning is important because it would save much time during the process and increase our chance to success.


  1. My group had some ideas to protect the egg and around it by using straws, but we also thought that no matter how we around the egg, the egg would likely to break from 10 feet hight. So we connected all the materials to reduct the distance, and it worked.

  2. Sadly, our group's egg is not survivor, but we learn from it, we should know the planning proess, much fun on this class, good experience.
