Monday, March 1, 2010

Are we living too stressful?!

I am not a native American. When I was in my home town China, I started to learn American culture from all different ways. Movies, television, Internet, McDonald’s and Starbucks, all of these represent the American culture.
There are different perspectives from what we have in China. One thing that I found it most different is the life style the Americans behave. They are very time efficient. They not only work fast in their works but also live hurry in their life.
The advanced technology helps people to work much more efficient in US than other developing countries. This is positive because we are more productive than the others. However, the way we live here, especially in a metropolitan area like New York, is quite stressful. People need to hurry for subway, for lunch and even for shopping. They spend less and less time to relax, to keep healthy and to enjoy communications with family or friends. In China we always put family first. We pay a lot more attention for our family or friends. This change is not easy for me to get used to even though the life in China now seems to become similar to the life in US.


  1. That's true.The most difficult thing is trying to acclimate to the new country. we need to learn what the difference between our home town.

  2. I agree with you. Many American people are busy so that they do not even have time for their own individual life. In other words, they are involved in many activities that make them forget about other important things such as health and family. Even though, a person may consider that going to a gym everyday keeps him/her healthy, for me, it is another check sign on a "To-Do List." I think it is also important to spend some time with the family or just sit down and do nothing.
