Friday, May 14, 2010

Better communication

Communication is very important in our daily life. Every day we communicate with each other, try to express our ideas, and looks for the responses from others. It is basically every courses need an effective and efficient communication.
The most widely use of communication at school are emails and Blackboard. They are used by most of the professors here and I believe also in other CUNY colleges. In this management class, we also create our own blogger, which provides us an additional communication tool that we use in class. The blogger connects people in the class, concentrate the ideas in the assignment, and provides students a second chance to think and review what they do in the course. This is positive and benefits from the blogger.
However, I believe that there are also negative on this blog assignment. From my point of view, I don’t quite know the people on the blogger. This is because we have lots of students in the class. When we are having classes, we usually sit where we used to be. This means that we are not familiar to other students on the other side. For example, students sitting at the left corner may never have a chance to know the students on the right corner. In addition, some of the students drop the course, but we never know who they are and which blog they create. By just clicking on the list, it’s like you randomly pick a name (which you don’t know or even that person already drop the course) and give your response. You would feel like you don’t have much to say (because you don’t know him very well or something else). Thus, I feel sometimes the communication is less effective through this way.
I think there may be a way to improve this situation. Actually we can be divided into groups to finish blogger components. Everyone create their blogger and one group has a leader to make the communication effective. The benefits of this is we have time to know each other very well, rather than just pick a random name and say something. We may have group tasks, either from class activities or after class homework. The assignments must be based on the blogger, like to accomplish a task, and then let each of the group mates contribute ideas on the bloggers. The group leader must make sure there would be a effective communication on the blogger, like sharing information and comments, and finally let each group create their solutions to the problems. After that, members between groups can share their ideas also and communicate either as a group or just as a student. Because students have better understand on their group members and other groups, they would have a better communication. It would make this blogger more useful and helpful to students’ communication.

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